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If you have a Pummba bouclé and you want to make it as good as new, you can follow these steps:
1. Vacuum the upholstery with a flat, bristle-free nozzle to remove dust and loose dirt.
2. Use a damp microfiber cloth and a mild detergent to clean light stains. Do not rub or use harsh chemicals.
3. Rinse the washed surface thoroughly and evenly to avoid streaky stains. Be sure to rinse the entire surface of the sofa.
4. If the stain is too much for you, you can take your slipcovers to a dry cleaner for dry cleaning.

Don't PanicHere we explain it all!

Our fabrics are quite durable, but may be susceptible to cat or dog nails in some cases.
However, you can request free samples and test them on your own pet before purchasing the sofa.

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