How to clean a fabric sofa: complete cleaning guide for your comfort

How to clean a fabric sofa: complete cleaning guide for your comfort

Choosing a sofa is much more than a simple purchase. The sofa is the place where you can relax and enjoy your favorite show, the unexpected visit from your friend, or the obligatory date with your dog on your way home from work. 

In addition to the fact that the sofa is often the decoration center of your home, it is essential to know how to leave it impeccable.

En este artículo Pummba te trae una guía detallada sobre cómo limpiar un sofá de tela de manera efectiva con algunos trucos para dejarlo irresistible.

How to clean a fabric sofa at home step by step

Learn more at how to clean a fabric sofa at home step by step can be much simpler than you think.

Let's share with you the details you need to know to make it look like new and keep it shiny!

Preparation before cleaning

Before starting the task, remove any blankets, cushions or objects that you have on it. 

Get a good vacuum cleaner with a brush that allows you to remove dust and all kinds of impurities that have settled. Vacuum it completely! Do not forget the folds and corners.

Stain detection

Descubre con exactitud cada una de las manchas que posee. Luego identifica qué tipo de mancha es.
For common everyday stains, you should mix warm water with liquid soap, the usual kind!
The suggested proportion is one tablespoon of liquid soap for each liter of water, so you will then have to:
  • Apply the solutionOnce the mild solution is ready, moisten a clean cloth in it. Then, gently wipe over each stain, avoiding excessive wetting of the fabric.

  • Gentle rubbingWith the damp cloth, rub the stain with gentle, circular motions. Do not apply too much pressure, as you may damage the fabric.

  • Remove the solution: Now it's time to remove the solution with another clean cloth, and you'll see that with all that love the stains start to disappear.

For deep cleaning

  • Use a ready-made solutionWhen the sofa is too dirty and it is no longer just a question of a few bold stains, we recommend that you buy ready-made solutions from specialist factories following the product's instructions.

  • Brushing the surface correctlyUse a soft bristle brush to clean the sofa fabric to avoid further damage.

  • Time to rinse and dryOnce you have correctly applied the cleaner, you should rinse the fabric with a clean cloth. The ideal for a good drying is to leave it for a while in the open air until it dries completely.

How to clean a fabric sofa: the best products

It is important to know how to clean a fabric sofa, how to remove its stains and how to deal with different situations, but what are the best products to carry out this task?

We summarize them briefly so that you can easily remember them when you go to the store:

  • Specific upholstery cleaners.
  • Mild detergents.
  • White vinegar.
  • Sodium bicarbonate.

Can they be used to clean a very dirty fabric sofa?

Well, if it comes to removing a lot of accumulated dirt, we suggest you turn to those who clearly know how to clean a very dirty fabric sofa. how to clean a very dirty fabric sofa.

It is important to choose the right products and techniques to keep your sofa in optimal conditionbut we know that there are no magic formulas.

In cases where the stain is already indelible, it is a sign that it may be time to buy a new Pummba. time to buy a new Pummba.

How to clean fabric sofa: homemade tricks that work

Sometimes, it is not necessary to resort to commercial products, usually expensive, to maintain your maintain your modular sofa in perfect condition.

Veamos juntos algunos trucos caseros efectivos que te ayudarán a limpiar y cuidar tu Pummba mientras escuchas tu playlist favorita. 

White vinegar and water

The white vinegar is a powerful ally in the cleaning of a sofa. Just follow these steps:

  • Mix equal parts of warm water and white vinegar in a bowl.
  • Dip a clean cloth into the solution and wring it out so that it is slightly damp.
  • It's time to stop dancing to the music and gently wipe the surface of the sofa with the damp cloth. Pay special attention to stains and dirty areas!
  • Use another clean, damp cloth to rinse the fabric and remove any vinegar residue.
  • Now we can resume dancing while the sofa air dries naturally. Avoid using direct heat.

Sodium bicarbonate

Baking soda is another highly effective product for cleaning your fabric sofa. extremely effective for cleaning your fabric sofa, leaving it fresh and free of unpleasant odors:

  • Sprinkle baking soda over the entire surface of your sofa. Concentrate on the dirtiest areas or where odors are present.
  • Let the baking soda sit for at least 15-20 minutes. This will allow it to absorb dirt and odors.
  • Use a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment to vacuum all the baking soda from the sofa.

How to clean a stain-resistant fabric sofa

Si elegiste un sofá de tela antimanchas, eres de las personas que prefieren ahorrar tiempo en limpieza y mantenimiento, e invertirlo en leer ese libro olvidado en la mesita de luz. 

And that is why Pummba is built to withstand the test of lifewith a stain-resistant fabric that will stand up to all those Saturday night drinks, pizza and movie days, or a visit from your favorite nephew.

These designed to repel stains and make stain removal and make stain removal a much simpler task. Let's see what it takes to keep it looking like new forever.

Immediate cleaning

  • Act immediately if you spill some wine on your sofa or drop a slice of pizza while laughing loudly, clean it up immediately!
  • Never rub the stain too hard, on the contrary, you should press gently to absorb the spill and prevent the stain from getting bigger Pour your next glass of wine out of the sofa!

Regular maintenance

  • Vacuuming periodically using a soft brush in the vacuum cleaner is essential to remove the dirt that accumulates and sometimes is not visible to the naked eye.
  • Despite being stain-resistant, your sofa needs a deep cleaning from time to time. Follow the manufacturer's manufacturer's instructions and use a specific upholstery cleaner.
  • Be sure to use mild, non-abrasive cleaning products You don't want to compromise the valuable stain-resistant properties of your sofa!

How to clean a white fabric sofa

Yes, yes, we know that white white sofas look beautiful in any space, but they also require more thorough care, so it's important to keep the following in mind:

  • No strong productsTo clean them, use mild products to avoid discoloration.
  • Fundas desmontables: Cubrirlos con fundas que se pueden desmontar y lavar cada vez que sea necesario es más que una buena medida para protegerlos. No son solo fundas, ¡son verdaderos outfits! En Pummba, las diseñamos con tejido bouclé resistente a las manchas y fácil de limpiar. Viste tu Pummba con un color distinto para cada ocasión ¡Elige tus colores favoritos y diviértete mezclándolos!

Pummba, more than quality modular sofas

En Pummba apostamos por diseños concebidos para durar. Queremos que tu Pummba te acompañe en cada capítulo de tu vida, en tus planes, cenas, amigos, nuevos miembros de la familia, mascotas…

Pummba is prepared for every scenario you can imagine, being also the first sofa-in-a-box in Spain.

In addition, Pummba's fabric is made from recycled plastic, so we reuse this material instead of adding more plastic to the approximately 300 million tons produced each year.

Te invitamos a conocer la variedad y calidad de los sofás de Pummba con nuestras muestras gratis. Disfruta de la comodidad y el estilo que tenemos para ofrecerte, ¡y sobre todo de no tener manchas!

F&Q on how to clean a fabric sofa

What should I do if I spill liquid on my fabric sofa?

If a spill occurs, absorb the liquid immediately with a clean, dry cloth. Do not rub, just press gently so that the spilled product is absorbed and the stain does not spread.

How can I prevent my fabric sofa from getting dirty quickly?

Protective covers are a good option, as well as periodic vacuuming to prevent dust and dirt accumulation.

When is the best time to clean a fabric sofa?

Clean your fabric sofa at least once a month, and remove stains as soon as they appear.

Can I use commercial products to clean my fabric sofa?

Yes, but make sure they are suitable for fabric sofas and follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer.

How to remove unpleasant odors from my fabric sofa?

Baking soda is effective in neutralizing odors. Sprinkle it on the sofa and vacuum the entire sofa after a few minutes.

Can I wash my fabric sofa covers in the washing machine?

Yes, if the covers are removable and machine washable. Wash them with suitable and good quality soaps to preserve the quality of the fabric.

When should I consider professional cleaning for my fabric sofa?

If your sofa is too dirty or has stains that are difficult to remove, you can turn to expert professionals. They know what to use and how to apply each product.