Upgrade your sofa: Combine covers, cushions, puffs and mini puffs.

Upgrade your sofa: Combine covers, cushions, puffs and mini puffs.

Transforming a sofa into a centerpiece of your living room is easier than you think with Pummba. Pummba.

With accessories such as covers, cushions, pouffes and mini pouffes, you can not only improve the aesthetics of your Pummba, but also its functionality and comfort.

These elements add versatility and comfort to the sofa, transforming it into a cozier, more functional spacetransforming it into a more cozy and functional space that will revitalize your space in a simple and effective way.

Sofa covers = Style and protection

The choosing the perfect case for your Pummba Pummba is very importantso you should take into account:

  • Fabric type: Look for durable fabrics such as cotton, linen or synthetic blends. If you have pets, opt for scratch-resistant fabrics.
  • Material: Choose materials that align with your lifestyle. If you have children, look for fabrics that are easy to clean and stain resistant.
  • Colors: Choose colors that complement your space. Neutral colors are versatile, while bold patterns can add a touch of personality.
  • Ease of cleaning and maintenance: We all want covers that are easy to clean and withstand day-to-day use. 

Select cases that are not only aesthetically pleasing, but also practical and durable. Consider options such as bouclé slipcovers for your sofasbouclé fabric is designed to be stain resistant and easy to clean, making them practical and durable.

In addition, they offer you the possibility to change the color of your sofa for different occasions and/or seasons. Your living room is ready for summer or winter just by changing the covers of your Pummba just by changing the covers of your Pummba!

Cushions = Comfort and elegance

Cushions are an extension of your sofa. Not only do they enhance the comfort, but also the overall style of your Pummba.

Consider choosing back cushions y cushions made with high quality viscoelastic for your sofa. for your sofa.

These cushions not only provide exceptional support, but they also offer you comfort comparable to that of your bed, making them perfect for ironing your ear for a good nap.

In addition, the viscoelastic adapts to your body and position, providing you with personalized support and improving your sleep experience in your and improving your sleeping experience in your Pummba Pummba.

Puffs and mini poufs = Versatility in your living room

Pouffes y mini puffs are the definition of versatility. They are practical and beautiful solutions that offer comfort in your living room.

Their compact size makes them ideal as extra seating, perfect for social gatherings or to add comfort to your space.

In addition, they can be used as footrests, providing additional rest when sitting while watching a movie. additional rest when sitting down to watch a movie, in addition to the fact that pouffes y mini pouffes add that modern touch and help to be decorative focal points in your space.

Their functionality and visual appeal make them essential to any contemporary living room. for any contemporary living room.


The combination of slipcovers, cushions, poufs and mini poufs is an excellent strategy to revitalize any Pummba, transforming it into a more cozy, elegant and functional place.

Each of these elements brings its own unique touch, allowing for complete customization of your space.

We encourage you to experiment with these accessories, playing with colors, textures and sizes, to refresh and rejuvenate your favorite spot of the day.

The key is creativity creativity and finding the perfect balance that reflects your personal style and enhances your home experience. and enhances your home experience.

Frequently asked questions on how to improve your Pummba

Which sofa cover is best for homes with pets?

Heavy-duty fabric covers such as bouclé are ideal for homes with pets, as they are durable and easy to clean.

How can I choose cushions to match a neutral colored sofa?

For neutral sofas, cushions with vibrant colors or bold patterns can add interesting contrast and revitalize the space.

Are mini poufs suitable for all room sizes?

Yes, mini poufs are versatile and can fit into rooms of any size, offering additional seating without taking up a lot of space.

How to keep sofa cushions clean?

Opt for cushions with removable and washable covers. Regular cleaning and the use of protectors can help keep them in good condition.

Can I mix different textures and patterns in my sofa accessories?

Yes, mixing textures and patterns can add depth and visual interest to your room. Keep a consistent color scheme for a harmonious look.