From siesta to siesta. An apology of the siesta in a Pummba.

From siesta to siesta. An apology of the siesta in a Pummba.

16:45PM, it's Saturday, the sun filters warm and friendly between the curtains of the living room, a cosmic speck of dust suspended in the air puts it in evidence and rests in your gaze, you put play on a weekend playlist, was it playing to clean? you don't remember, it doesn't matter, the music invades the corners of your house, it floods it like a meek and patient river, and it goes along with your mood, you pick up a book, at last you have time to read, at last you have time for yourself, you lie down in your Pummba, you feel the world behind you fade away, you stir a little, like a cat in the sun, the sofa is as wide as a giant's palm, you open the book and pick up where you left off a few days ago, you turn a page to remember what was going on, you make your own previously read a few pages and fall asleep. Welcome to your surprise nap.

Brief history of the siesta

(All roads lead to...)

Now you are no longer you, or, only you, you are all the beings of the earth that have inhabited it centuries ago, time, geography and history cross you and you become a primitive being, without complexities, the nap has existed since we existed and will continue to exist if we take it as the sublime pleasure that it is, like all the pleasures that arise just because, without needing them, at least not in a utilitarian sense.

The word is already indicative of "What, how and when", the siesta is institutionalized in the Roman Empire and its etymological origin refers to the sixth hour of the day, a time when the temperature rose too high and workers needed to take a break to resume their work at sunset. The custom spread and took shape according to the culture of each people, becoming in some places an almost religious fact. Or don't you venerate your sofa on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon?

Practical tutorial for the good napper

The siesta has no regulated beginning or end, it does not admit alarm clocks or leaden bureaucracies, it happens in the body and mind in the simplest way: we fall asleep, we wake up. But when you know what you are doing, everything is ready to live that unplanned pleasure.

Start by orienting your couch (yes, the nap is on the couch) so that at certain hours of the morning and afternoon, you can have a little sun on your face or on some part of your body, the sun has a soothing power, I'm sure you already know.

Rearrange the modules of your Pummba or add a footrest to expand the seating area (if you're lucky, maybe someone will join you and you'll have to make room for them).

Now choose some activity, read, watch a series on your TV, put a podcast on your mobile and then pretend that's what you really need. When sleep catches up with you, resist a little (in some countries they call it nodding off) but only a little, persist in your activity a minute or two more and you will see that the sun, the time, the sofa and the fresh air of your living room will ally in your favor and will deliver you meekly to sweet sleep.

And that is all.

Why the sofa and not the bed?

We leave for the end the most important thing: where to take the perfect nap?

As the unplanned pleasure that it is, the siesta deserves a place of its own, in your bed you already know what you lie down for after a long and complicated day, it is the default place to sleep, it is what you expect to happen, but on the couch you can do many things, things you want to do and that can become the prelude to rest, on the couch the siesta catches you off guard and you are more aware of its enjoyment. In a way, the nap is the rebellion of sleep and it happens only when it has to happen, it reveals that your body is relaxed and still knows how to set the pace for you or, in this case, sleep.
