6 things we like to keep near our Pummba

6 things we like to keep near our Pummba
Winter is the season for sofas. A refuge in which to enjoy rainy afternoons, shelter from cold days and relax after a day's work. A place of routine, but also of discovery. 
Today we tell you what we like to have on hand when we are in our Pummba.

1- A candle from Vera and the Birds

To set the mood, a candle from Vera and the Birds. Time to Bloom combines wild jasmine, nutmeg and sweet peach with the scent of grass after a rainy day. Is there a more perfect scent than that?

2- A lamp Marset

We continue to prepare the perfect context with a Marset lamp, designs that excite and give a touch of color to our living room. 

3- Monstera plants

When it comes to decorating we opt for the most natural: plants. At Monstera you can find the indoor plants that inspire you the most.

4- A quilt by Hamabi Design

We already have the perfect space, now the crown jewel: the blanket. Because it's not fall if there isn't a blanket on the sofa. We love the quilts from Hamabidesing. 

5- A book by Blackie Books

For entertainment there is nothing better than a good book from Blackie Books. Their titles never disappoint. 

6- An infusion of Teterum

And to finish... a nice cup of tea or warm infusion from Teterum, our favorite? Rooibos with apple and lavender, a relaxing and delicious aroma.